In 1942, amid World War II labor shortages, the Farm Security Administration (FSA) constructed a labor camp located near the town of Elba, NY. It was one of many across the country whose purpose was to facilitate the harvest of valuable crops. These…
Labor shortages on Western New York farms during World War II led to various programs for making up the shortfall: the "Farm Cadets" youth program; calls for community volunteers; guest workers from Jamaica and the Bahamas; and prisoner of war labor.…
George N. Comer was founder, in 1840, of a Boston "Commercial College" bearing his name. The subjects it taught were eclectic: penmanship, bookkeeping, commercial correspondence and computations, navigation, engineering, and surveying. The…
This GIS map was created to support the Dansville Ever-Green map, itself an experiment to recover historical knowledge for the purposes of envisioning a bioregional economy & culture. Its premise is to draw a 50-mile radius around the town of…