Dublin Core
Labor shortages on Western New York farms during World War II led to various programs for making up the shortfall: the "Farm Cadets" youth program; calls for community volunteers; guest workers from Jamaica and the Bahamas; and prisoner of war labor.
The photograph here is one in a series documenting how an Albion, NY farmer named David Nesbitt contracted through the US Employment Service to transport a family from Richmond, WV. Bryant Friend--along with his father, wife Hazel, and daughter--are shown entering a formerly abandoned house on the Nesbitt farm. On another photograph in the series, it is noted that "So urgent was the need for immediate farm labor that even before the Friends moved in, they were working in the fields of David Nesbitt."
The photograph here is one in a series documenting how an Albion, NY farmer named David Nesbitt contracted through the US Employment Service to transport a family from Richmond, WV. Bryant Friend--along with his father, wife Hazel, and daughter--are shown entering a formerly abandoned house on the Nesbitt farm. On another photograph in the series, it is noted that "So urgent was the need for immediate farm labor that even before the Friends moved in, they were working in the fields of David Nesbitt."
Collier, John Jr.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Film negative
Physical Dimensions
4 x 5 in. or smaller