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HJ Heinz--Medina.jpg
The agricultural region of Orleans county supported several large food processing plants, among them the Olney Canning Company in Albion, NY and the H. J. Heinz factory in Medina, NY. The latter was built in 1899 as the seventh branch factory of…

GuyJames--100 Years Pass.jpg
A neoclassical mansion, accessorized by ancestral family tree, looms over a woman wearing a long dress at lower left. Upon closer viewing the coherence of this scene breaks down; she's carrying an axe in her left hand, a la Lizzie Borden, along with…


Biel:Gurr 1929.jpg

Gubin--Haverstraw Landscape.jpg
According to the Federal Writers Project Guide to New York state, "Haverstraw...squats on the edge of the Hudson with its back propped against High Tor, Little Tor, and Pyngyp...Here James Wood discovered the modern system of burning brick and set up…

A riot of fourteen sunflower blossoms fills the borders of Gubin's composition, in hues of vivid red, orange, and yellow. Combined with their foliage, it takes an effort to locate the flower's container--a warm brown vase possibly incorporating a…

American Farmer--ii.jpg

Indian Episodes--small.jpg


Trout Farm.png
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