A beautiful and delicately lit scene of trees in a field of snow suggests, via its background, that we are in a valley at some considerable elevation. Against the placid light and colors is an arrangement of trees that reveal the struggle for…
This painting depicts a snowy mountainside. Tall, dark trees contrast the lighter highlights of the snow around them. In the distance, two mountain peaks are visible against the skyline. The trees progressively grow smaller in the distance, creating…
Gaige uses just enough visual cues to suggest some depth to his landscape, but its main interest appears to be the play of willow trunks and branches against grass and foliage. The latter, rendered in a limited pallette of colors, nevertheless plays…
Two horses run along an earthen path through what appears to be a stockaded chute, but upon examination the vertical columns turn out to be strata of rock, and four more horses are joining the pair from atop a stylized landform. Through a crack a…
The subject of this painting is a vase of white flowers. The flowers themselves are large and take up a significant portion of the area, but are balanced out by a multicolored vase underneath. The vase seems to have the pattern of some sort of animal…