Focus of drawing is a pair of mating birds on a tree branch, one with a spiky red flower in its beak--perhaps a type of paintbrush native to Mexico. In the remaining space we see a stream that traces its origins to the mountains, snow-capped using a…
Vivid design combines naturalistic and geometric elements: what may be taken as a six-petaled flower, perhaps a lily, also contains one or perhaps two six-pointed stars. Moreover, it's not clear whether this is a single flower with stamens, or…
Based upon an Aztec story, the Mexican coat of arms depicts a golden eagle perched upon a prickly pear cactus devouring a snake. The founding of Tenochtitlan, the island at Mexico City's center, had been prophesied to the Aztecs by traveling until…
According to the "Perry Knitting Company News," an recurring feature in the Perry Herald, this is Stanley "Steve" Slusarczyk, a foreman in the yarn mill. At the time of this photograph he had worked at the company 48 years (Perry Herald 31 Mar. 1955:…
This series of seven photographs shows a traditional Algonquin method for constructing snowshoes. Wood, either yellow birch or ash, is bent and then strung with babiche--stretched moosehide. The lightweight apparatus then is varnished for protection…