Currently known as the Malayan Peacock-Pheasant, it is represented here by Nakamizo somewhat outside of its normal forest habitat for the purposes of a carefully arranged display. In flattened space the bird’s striking eye-spots are unique in their…
Pastel drawing takes its name from a traditional Haitian house that is long and narrow, with its narrow end facing the road and lots of cross-ventilation through windows and doors. According to landscape architect Patti Stouter, its design is similar…
This program was created for a 1991 exhibition whose premise was quite formalist: that there are four types of passages "common to all migrant people": through historical time, through space, through seasons of nature, and through cycles of life.…
The pleasing daisies in a vase at center may give this painting its name, so artfully have they been created and arranged. If so, their status as humble field flowers plays against the ornate, patterned background and checkerboard table. Beautifully…