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Elba Farm Labor Camp 1.jpg
In 1942, amid World War II labor shortages, the Farm Security Administration (FSA) constructed a labor camp located near the town of Elba, NY. It was one of many across the country whose purpose was to facilitate the harvest of valuable crops. These…

SarkadiLeo - Edge of the Garden.JPG
At least two questions are implied by this painting’s title: which edge of the garden, and what is a garden? Due to a flattened plane and Sarkadi’s composition we see a row of hollyhocks and other tall flowers at the bottom of the canvas, with no…

SprinchornCarl - Easter Lilies.JPG
We behold five white Easter lilies in a glass jug on a red tablecloth. The background is beige, but Spinchorn has dabbed in hints of red, purple, and orange. The lilies and their jug fully fill out the canvas, leaving little negative space. The…

BurliukDavid - Easter Bouquet.JPG
In this still life we see upon a sideboard a pot planted with large lillies, as well as smaller flowers growing around them. There is a book open, which looks to be a highly stylised Bible, propped up in its own rectangular vessel. Given the…


East Esplanade.jpg


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