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Voices of the Harvest--cover.jpg

Following a Dream.pdf

Greenhouse Vocabulary.pdf
The Geneseo Migrant Center (GMC) reached out to farmworkers at many locations and different types of operations: potato harvesting, tomato picking, fruit orchards, dairies. A relatively new type of agricultural operation was year-round greenhouses.…

Letchworth Bend.jpg

Interview- Beverly Rex-Burley.docx

CW- The Knight Spot.docx

CW- Silver Mornings.docx

CW- Omniscience.docx

At least a third of this painting is dominated by a harbor, whose representation of waves resemble the letter "U" and whose boats are the simplest of icons. To characterize the scene as childlike, however, overlooks the skillful pattern-making…

Karlan - Virginia Deer.jpg
We see at close range a female of Odocoileus virginianus, also known as white-tailed deer. Their range encompasses most of the United States, and they are the most numerous of that family here. Karlan’s painting depends less upon its anatomical…
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