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Time Table--Lowell Mills.jpg
The factory town of Lowell, MA was named after the inventor of a power loom that revolutionized manufacturing and, along with the technology, the structure of work. Owners of the mills employed thousands of people, most of them women called the…

Illinois Advertisement.jpg

Stewart's Patent Stump Machine.jpg

Cheap Stump.jpg
Removal of trees so as to create farmland, and especially the stumps left behind, was an arduous process for European settlers. Although there were complex (and expensive) "patent machines" available, small farmers trying to remove fairly…

Settlement 1--cropped.jpg
This idealized diptych appeared in The Genesee Farmer, an agricultural newspaper, showing its readers the clearing of forests so as to create farmland. By the date of publication, settlement and the "Pioneer" figure already was imbued with mythic…

1708 Migrant labor-t6p9.jpg

Dino Footprints.jpg
At the popular "Brontosaurus Hall" at the American Museum of Natural History, a young girl sits in preserved footprints of a dinosaur. Note: this image has been croppedS


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Baldomiano Nicolas Urbina@2x.jpg
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