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StefanoBerthe - Anenomes.JPG
A table, whose covering appears to have been warped, becomes the space for an arrangement of anemones in a copper vase suspended by a thin spiraled black steel stand. An ashtray accompanies the flowers on the table, standing in the foreground. Cool…


Trustee church.png

HJ Heinz--Medina.jpg
The agricultural region of Orleans county supported several large food processing plants, among them the Olney Canning Company in Albion, NY and the H. J. Heinz factory in Medina, NY. The latter was built in 1899 as the seventh branch factory of…

Apple Picking(1).jpg

We look upon a remarkably minimalist still life--sixteen apples upon a wooden board or table--but by the time of Adler's painting they were highly charged objects due to the thousands of minimally employed apple vendors on New York streets during the…

sabalauscas april day #1@3x.jpg
From just the other side of a split rail fence, we look downhill to a pasture and then patchwork of fields in the valley below. A stream cuts across diagonally and passes under a covered bridge; a horse and foal stand in the foreground, with sheep…


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