Delicate, minimalist still life depicts a vase of cut stems from trees and plants. In keeping with the season—but also reminding us of time’s passage—two leafs have fallen upon an unadorned table. McEvoy’s flattened background transforms the leaves…
The references in this uncanny painting aren’t clear. At the front of a stage we see a performer, seemingly dressed as a princess and like Cinderella wearing only a single slipper. She holds in her hand a white flower. Behind her, peeking out from…
A fierce encounter between two stallions recalls the work of Frederic Remington in its drama and stripped-down setting. Rounded masses of muscle on the horses resemble the surrounding hills, particularly at lower right. Although not perhaps set…
Pale girl sits atop a pony, protected from the sun’s rays as apples fall from a tree nearby. The pony, meanwhile, stares blankly at the ground. Although Meloy’s familiarity with animals shows in his representation of anatomy and posture, the bright…