The Grange was a trade and social association of farmers whose cohesion was modeled on the fraternity of Masonry, as indicated by this symbol-rich promotional poster. Its genesis came in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, when Secretary of…
Whereas other paintings may have smoothed out some of the elements in this classic northeastern fall landscape, Jacoby creates a network of lines. We see them as stone walls in the fields below, tree trunks and branches (and their many shadows), and…
Completed in 1848 as part of the Croton Aqueduct System, this structure originally spanned the Harlem River using 16 stone arches (later replaced by steel). At the time of Jacoby's painting, some 24 million gallons of water were passing over it every…
A sunny, hazy day in western New York is framed by trees and a lush green lawn. The view of Ithaca rendered de-emphasizes its commercial center in favor of forested hill dotted with homes. It's possible that the tall structure depicted is part of the…
This untitled poem, written by Jerline Dobson talks about how her right foot was broken once, yet, never fixed. She talks about when the cold weather comes it starts to hurt and it reminds her of the time she broke her foot. Later in the poem, it is…