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Patterson - Sealife.jpg
We behold at least a dozen distinct plants and animals as a flattened tapestry whose weave isn’t simply metaphorical: the warp of vertical plants and rising bubbles is complemented by a weft of horizontel “currents” visualized for the painting.…

Earl--Sea Bass.jpg
One of the more challenging still lifes you'll see, Earl strips down his painting to three primary objects: a cermanic casserole, two lemons, and the eponymous sea bass. Perhaps a third of his composition is given over to an unadorned countertop. If…

Soda pops in hand, a group of students appear to be engrossed in some sort of game or attraction designed for them. As the Perry Herald explained, “Schools of the area have been invited to visit the plant in groups and the Perry schools have…


Caledonia School--medium.jpg

Michael H@3x.jpg


Mearns - Scene from Rose and Book.JPG
The references in this uncanny painting aren’t clear. At the front of a stage we see a performer, seemingly dressed as a princess and like Cinderella wearing only a single slipper. She holds in her hand a white flower. Behind her, peeking out from…
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