This poem showcases how much time migrant farmworkers spend apart from their families. Its circumstances were explained in an issue Real Talk, published by the Geneseo Migrant Center:"In honor of Mother's Day, Sunday May 14th, we would like to share…
In what appears to be a staged painting, we see a red cloth behind various objects, and a white cloth upon which they rest. Towards the left side there are books stacked up against each other and next to them, in the center, a small blue bowl of…
In this still life, there are various objects placed on a brown table. Towards the left end of the table, we see a small container of ink standing next to a dip pen and a journal on the opposite end of the table. Towards the center, there is a…
Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) along with Dolores Huerta was founder of the pioneering National Farm Workers Association in 1962--later reorganized as the United Farm Workers five years later. He adapted activist tools of both labor unions and the civil…
Radical organization of space turns this lush orchard into a social cross-section of American agriculture. Four migrant workers are on ladders picking cherries, the one at left positioned to appear behind bars. A farmer or crew chief drives a tractor…
Ahead of Cavazos' 1989 show at the Bertha V. B. Lederer Gallery, he sketched several of the works that appeared in the exhibition. Perhaps it was to help others identify the objects; perhaps it was intended for subsequent shows in Buffalo. The…