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Espie 1890.jpg

Jacques Zucker Allocations 2.jpg

Notaro Farm--Jamaican Workers.jpg
During World War II American farmers had severe difficulties when it came to labor, especially during the harvest season, so the Farm Security Administration (FSA) authorized the creation of farm labor camps. One in Erie County was located just…

Vega USEjpg.jpg

WardEdgarMelville - Japanese Garden.jpg
This painting depicts blooming Japanese flora in what appears to be a body of water; however, most of the canvas is negative space, a technique that allows for a higher contrast in colors of Ward’s vegetation. It also is perhaps intended to allow…

Kadowaki--Japanese Garden.jpg
A beautifully balanced composition depicts, on either side of its central planter, a knobbly gourd and ringed vase of similar shape. Our conception of what constitutes a garden blurs distinctions between human-cultivated plants and human-created…

Kadowaki--Japanese Plant.JPG
The plant depicted here probably is a Japanese arrowhead (Saggitaria japonica), which is native to marshes and due to its edible tuber occasionally called a “duck potato.” Kadowaki’s interest certainly is aesthetic—due to its distinctive leafs and…

Fidaroff--Jersey Landscape--small.jpg
Spare composition of an open space, perhaps parkland, is most distinctive in its use of linear elements. The horizontals of skyline and a row of plantings across the middle of painting are intersected by verticals of trees and, in the distance, lines…


John Ball.jpg
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