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  • Collection: New Deal Gallery

Patterson - Sealife.jpg
We behold at least a dozen distinct plants and animals as a flattened tapestry whose weave isn’t simply metaphorical: the warp of vertical plants and rising bubbles is complemented by a weft of horizontel “currents” visualized for the painting.…

It’s not impossible to render Lo Pinto’s scene in everyday terms: moored in a marina are several boats, two of them accessed by floating docks upon which a group of children are passing time dreamily. To describe it in such terms, however, would…

SabalaucasJoseph - September.JPG
Golden light from low in the sky, at right, evokes a moment of gratitude for a year’s harvest—seemingly of corn shocks drying in the field. A person carrying a stick pause in front of one. Lush fields, green trees, and a gorgeous sky are shown to…

Rollo - September Bouquet.JPG
The vividness of this still life is the result of its muted brown background, combined with Rollo’s free use of white paint to highlight the tips of flowers in a vase. Shadows from light at the left side of his painting are minimized, creating an…

This painting seems to be a hybrid of portraiture, domestic genre, and still life. A sleeping young woman, whose cheeks and camisole echo the rose’s color, is posed so that her resting fingers appear only inches away from a bunch of grapes. A portion…

NagaiThomas - Small Inlet.JPG
The size of this inlet isn’t clear because of perspectival ambiguitiess: if the two houses at left are modest in scale, then the boats across from them either are tiny or far in the distance. Regardless, in the distance we see perhaps three or four…

YaghijianEdmund - Small Town, NY.jpg
Although a train platform in the foreground bears the name “Small Town,” the frame of Yaghjian’s painting had referenced Beacon, NY before getting crossed out in favor of this more universal theme. We are invited to ascend a wooden stairway into a…

Amemiya--Snug Harbor--small.jpg
It’s possible that somewhere there is a Sung Harbor represented by this painting, but it’s more likely a typographical misreading of Snug Harbor—just across the water from New York on Staten Island. Sailor’s Snug Harbor was created in 1833 via a…

Reinhart - Specter of the Roses.JPG
This painting takes its name from Le Spectre de la rose, a short ballet created in 1911 by Jean-Louis Vaudoyer. In it, a young girl dreams of dancing with the spirit of a rose worn to her first ball. It was famous for the performance of legendary…

AbernathyInez--Spring in Central Park.jpg
We see a river flowing between two banks lined with trees. The trees are mostly bare however, they appear as they are going to start budding. The colors in this painting are cooler--blues and greens--but there is a hint of warm yellow in the lower…
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