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In his 1782 collection of essays, Letters from an American Farmer, Hector St. John de Crèvecœur described the Cape Cod region as a kind of microcosm of social transformations occurring in North America. "What has happened here has and will happen…

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This is the first of two related photographs that show cooking facilities at a migrant farmworker camp run by Carl Moore. As labor camps go it is relatively clean; however, as the second photograph reveals, it was used by many people after a day at…

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The Grange was a trade and social association of farmers whose cohesion was modeled on the fraternity of Masonry, as indicated by this symbol-rich promotional poster. Its genesis came in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, when Secretary of…


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A letter to the editor of The Genesee Farmer claimed that the "drudgery and discomfort to which farmers’ wives and daughters are subjected" was even greater than the wives of laborers and mechanics. This was because farm women were responsible for…

Potato Production 1909-1950.jpg

Farm and Fireside 2.jpg
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