The Cloth With a Million Windows
Accessible Directory to This Page
Meghan Cobo, Nitey Nite: A Postwar Dream
Ken Cooper, Rebuild the PK!: Envisioning a 21st-Century Knitting Mill
Michaelena Ferraro, The Herald: Sometime, Somewhere, Someone
Melisha Gatlin, Close-Knit: The Social Fabric of Perry and Its Knitting Mill
Andrew Gleason, Then and Now: Photos of Perry from the Past and Present
Macaire Lisicki, Unspooled: Creative Destruction and the PK
Ethan Pelletier, The Living Mill: Connected Lives in the Town of Perry
Emma Raupp, Peer Into the Past: The Sewing Room
Mariah Rockwell, Open House: A Tour of the Perry Knitting Co.