Dublin Core
This is a halftone image created from an original pen-and-ink drawing no longer available. It was drawn by a Haitian immigrant farmworker living at the Hoehandle labor camp in Castile, NY. His work was featured in the 1986 gallery show African Past: Migrant Present and this reproduction appeared in the printed program.
LaMarre's drawing has literal and symbolic dimensions that are intertwined. The drawing's date of 1985 commemorates a crossing to America, along with other "boat people" fleeing the violent Duvalier regime in Haiti. It also probably references the vèvè (ritual symbol) of the Vodou spirit Agwé--ruler of the seas and their life, to whom sailors and fishers would appeal for guidance and safety. For the artist, that hadn't been an abstract concern.
LaMarre's drawing has literal and symbolic dimensions that are intertwined. The drawing's date of 1985 commemorates a crossing to America, along with other "boat people" fleeing the violent Duvalier regime in Haiti. It also probably references the vèvè (ritual symbol) of the Vodou spirit Agwé--ruler of the seas and their life, to whom sailors and fishers would appeal for guidance and safety. For the artist, that hadn't been an abstract concern.
LaMarre, Charles
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
B & W halftone of drawing
Physical Dimensions
6 x 4 in.