Perry Knitting Co.

Dublin Core



This collection gathers documents for a Perry Knitting Co. exhibit on OpenValley. They are drawn from from three main sources.

First, the Clark Rice Photography Collection at the Perry, NY Public Library. Rice was a prolific photographer in Western New York throughout the mid-20th century. This collection includes scans of his work, and copies of images from the turn of the century photographer Merrium Crocker, whose studio Rice purchased.

Secondly, the Henry Page Local History Files. Page was president of First National Bank of Perry, and a local historian associated with the public library for nearly five decades. His uncle, William, had helped secure funding from the Carnegie Corporation for its establishment in 1900 and construction in 1914. The Page collection contains various historical materials and photographs accumulated by him over the years.

Thirdly, we draw upon various public domain texts, such as maps from the Library of Congress or digitized articles from local newspapers. All images here are selections from these collections, chosen for their relevance to OpenValley project. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the Perry Public Library and its Director, Jessica Pacciotti.


Collection Items

Mills #1-2, from East Side of Outlet

Borden Avenue Bridge

Sweet Sarah's ice cream.

The Perry Bowling Alley.

Inside the Biblio-Tech Cafe.

The town hall in Perry.

The KM dance center on main street in Perry.

Mechanical Cotton Harvesters

Cotton day laborers

Cotton Spinning Mills, 1880-1926
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