Browse Collections (6 total)
Perry Knitting Company News

Between 1954 and 1957, the Perry Knitting Company (PK) published a monthly news page in the Perry Herald. Today, probably it would bear a label of…
Mills of Genesee Valley

Before the commercial extraction of fossil fuels from the Oil Creek region of northern Pennsylvania, most mechanical work in the Genesee Valley was…
Perry Knitting Co.

This collection gathers documents for a Perry Knitting Co. exhibit on OpenValley. They are drawn from from three main sources.First, the Clark Rice…
New Deal Gallery

This collection of more than 200 paintings owes its existence to two primary causes: allocations from the Federal Art Project to a New York state…
Caledonia 1892

This collection of images is based upon an 1892 birds-eye panorama of Caledonia, NY published by Burleigh Litho of Troy, NY. According to John William…